
Working with National Parks Sustainably

Most nations have national parks - environmental zones protected from the usual effects of developmental change. Dedicated to animals, walkers and scientists they are usually strict non-commercial enclaves. But increasingly, parks departments are allowing ecotourism operators to help promote their values and valuables.

Championing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Ecotourism

Championing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Ecotourism

The joint declaration by the Asian Ecotourism Network and Taiwan Ecotourism Association serves to outline the judicious management of indigenous peoples while reaping benefits for the ecotourism industry and communities alike

Instagram Pollution? Resource Management Body Offers Guidelines

With selfies being the image capture of choice for increasing numbers of tourists, alarm is rising over their effect on the environment. Fragile ecosystems, ancient monuments and sacred places are all suffering from overreach by millions of happy-snapping web-posting visitors. One resource management body has decided it is time to issue guidelines for the Instagram generation