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'Smart Energy Challenge' Seed Funding Launched for New Energy Solutions in Singapore

Singapore, 16 November 2009. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) has launched the Smart Energy Challenge (SEC) to provide seed funding of up to S$5 million per project for innovative energy ideas that meet Singapore’s energy needs. Through the SEC, the EMA aims to support new energy solutions that (i) enhance our energy security through fuel diversification, (ii) achieve higher energy efficiency and (iii) boost the development of the energy sector.

Announcing the launch of the SEC during the Platts 4th Annual Top 250 Global Energy Companies Awards and  Leadership Dinner held on the opening night of the Singapore International Energy Week, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry Mr S Iswaran said, “through this process, we hope to exploit new technologies and develop solutions that will catalyse new industries, strengthen our economic competitiveness, and enhance energy security and environmental sustainability. The Energy Market Authority will be providing more details on how researchers and companies can apply for funding under the Smart Energy Challenge. I hope that this initiative will lead to a proliferation of innovative ideas that will make significant contributions to the energy sector and help address Singapore’s long term challenges”.

Drawing from the $25 million Energy Research and Development Fund, the SEC will focus on innovative energy solutions in three key areas:

(a) Power Generation

New technologies for clean and renewable energy are steadily evolving, as well as new carbon capture techniques to generate power from fossil fuels without the harmful effects of carbon emissions. The SEC will support new concepts for clean and diverse forms of power generation that can be developed and applied in Singapore.

(b) Energy for Transport

Singapore’s transportation sector accounts for about 13 percent of our overall energy consumption. The SEC will support innovative solutions to reduce the transport system’s carbon footprint, for example, in the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) and the supporting infrastructure or other forms of clean transportation.

(c) Energy Efficiency for Industry

Effective energy efficiency solutions will not only help to reduce emissions but also keep electricity costs low. The SEC will support new breakthroughs in energy efficiency for industrial users, whether in the area of more efficient  manufacturing processes, improved cooling systems for data centres, or systems for recycling of waste heat.

The SEC is open to all Singapore-based Institutes of Higher Learning, public sector agencies, not-for-profit organisations/research laboratories and private sector companies, as well as company-affiliated research laboratories/institutions with an interest in R&D and test-bedding technologies and solutions. The closing date for the submission of proposals is 20 February 2010.

Source: EMA press release