Green Way of Life for Victoria Resorts

Eric Simmard puts community first. Pix by Mallika Naguran

When staying at any six of Victoria’s boutique resorts in Vietnam and Cambodia,you can sense an air of care for the local environment and the community. Facilities are provided within resort lobbies for villagers to demonstrate their art and display handmade handicrafts such as woven conical hat, thatched blankets and silver trinkets for sale. This is on top of other fundamental energy saving practices and recycling efforts.

I asked managing director Mr Eric Simard on his commitment to maintaining a green environmental policy, in particular, the Victoria Green Day, a clean up effort involving students, residents and staff across Vietnam and Cambodia.

What prompted you to start this green movement?

Our aim is to encourage all to preserve a green, clean and fresh environment to welcome visitors to Vietnam and Cambodia. As a leading luxury hotel and resort group, we have a responsibility to set a good example. Our properties are in areas far from the crowds of modern tourism, where people are slowly learning that a clean environment is a welcoming one for tourists – as well as something that benefits the entire local community. We hope that “Victoria Green Day” will keep the environment green, clean and protected. By doing so, we believe that being green will become a natural part of our lives.

What was the cost to Victoria Resorts in organizing the clean up?

Around 9 tonnes of junk were picked up at Sapa

The costs to our resorts in organizing Victoria Green Day were largely time and effort spent in meeting with governmental authorities for permits, coordinating with schools and many staffs being away from work to participate in the event. Actual costs included food preparation and printing of t-shirts for participants and travel expenses for media, around USD 3,500. With such low monetary costs, an event like this can be emulated by other companies and organizations in Vietnam and Cambodia.

What impact has this on others?

Beautiful, mountainous Sapa in Northern Vietnam

Staffs were very enthusiastic as they realized it is absolutely necessary to have a clean environment for our well-being and for future generations. They know that land is heritage and it is important to keep it natural and intact, without mounds of garbage piling up.

Our guests are very impressed to learn how committed we are in trying to preserve the environment and the local culture. They always are delighted when they see local crafts in the rooms and local music and dance shows in the evenings during dinner at some of our properties. Even journalists who follow our Victoria Green Day since its creation are known to get involved in garbage collection.

What's the greatest satisfaction gained from organizing this?

Adults at Victoria Chau Doc got into the green act

We are proud to be the first company to organize such an event as Victoria Green Day in Vietnam and to set an example for others. Year 2007 was very rewarding, especially in Sapa, where we saw more than 1600 participants. Many schools have joined us and it is good to see that Vietnamese children are enthusiastic to learn about the environment.

Are there other plans to care for the people’s welfare?

Activities such as medical check ups for children, seniors and expectant mothers who cannot afford medical care in the areas are being planned where our hotels and resorts are located. For this project we work in collaboration with the Children’s Action foundation.

Victoria Hotels & Resorts is a boutique group of six luxuryIndochina retreats embracing off–the-beaten-track mountain and beach spa resorts in Vietnam, two colonial-style hotels in the Mekong Delta, and an elegant spa resort at Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

Photos courtesy of Ronan Bianchi, GM of Victoria Phan Thiet Beach Resort & Spa, and a champ for community involvement.

Visit Victoria Resorts at

Contact Eric Simard.

Biodiversity Saves: Dr Ahmed Djoghlaf

Dr Djoghlaf zooms in on biodiversity wherever he goes. Source NParks

Dr Djoghlaf zooms in on biodiversity wherever he goes. Source NParks

He keeps a close lookout on biodiversity wherever he goes, keeping an eye out for changes to ecosystems, which he hopes, are for the better.

Dr Ahmed Djoghlaf travels from country to country spreading the word and here’s why. The Executive Secretary of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) thinks that environmental issues including protecting indigenous species and ecosystems should be the job of leaders not just at national levels. "We need to act at regional levels as biodiversity knows no boundaries. Birds have no passport to cross borders," he quipped.

In town for a lecture at the invitation of the Singapore Environment Council in January 2008, Dr Djoghlaf spoke of regional cooperation within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to implement decisions, training and work plans. The Secretariat of CBD also initiated in Singapore a ‘capacity building’ workshop on national biodiversity strategies and action. This was the first of a series of workshops worldwide that’s targeted at regional and sub-regional levels to integrate biodiversity into national policies and planning. Around 40 Asian experts participated in this workshop in collaboration with the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity that also signed an agreement with the CBD to help implement its goals within the region.

Green cities can nest its own habitats. Photo by Mallika Naguran.

Green cities can nest its own habitats. Photo by Mallika Naguran.

The newest CBD member, Timor Leste, has already kicked in its strategies to align its national plans with CBD’s 2010 biodiversity target: towards a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national levels as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all lives.

Cities a Haven

Dr Djoghlaf quoted from an IPPC report that predicted up to 50% of biodiversity of Asia is at risk due to climate change while as much as 88% of reefs may be lost over the next 30 years.

"We are experiencing the greatest wave of extinctions since the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Extinction rates are rising by a factor of up to 1,000 above natural rates. Every hour, three species disappear. Every day, up to 150 species are lost. Every year, between 18,000 and 55,000 species become extinct. The cause: human activities," he said.

Whale shark finds the 'groomers' indispensable . Photo by Dr Siak.

Whale shark finds the 'groomers' indispensable . Photo by Dr Siak.

In 2007, urban population increased more than rural population, which Dr Djoghlaf describes as a "new paradigm with far reaching impacts". Yet, he is sanguine. "Human needs are real for instance the need for space and living. It is therefore important to conserve the environment for human beings, which also opens up a new way of appreciating nature," he said.

Dr Djoghlaf believes that sustainable cities can make major contributions to biodiversity to protect the development needs of the people and alleviate poverty. Creatures too benefit. "Animals are finding refuge in cities now due to the greenness there, for example in Munich," said Dr Djoghlaf.

Tourism a Driver

Mangrove tour at Sungei Buloh thrills kids and adults alike. Source, NParks.

Mangrove tour at Sungei Buloh thrills kids and adults alike. Source, NParks.

Tourism can directly help finance the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and sustainable planning and management are in the industry’s long-term interest. "The business of tomorrow is green business," said Dr Djoghlaf, explaining that investing in tourism the right way can make money.

This is how the CBD helps. The Secretariat’s tourism activities help facilitate the implementation of the Convention through programmes such as island biodiversity, marine and coastal biodiversity, forests, and invasive species which are crucial to tourism issues.

"The powerful forces that shape the essence of tourism, including the human urge to see and experience the natural world, must continue to be harnessed to support the achievement of the goals of the Convention," he said.

Why is biodiversity important? Go to Planet for some answers.

Each day, 150 species are lost worldwide, observes Dr Djoghlaf. Source NParks.

Each day, 150 species are lost worldwide, observes Dr Djoghlaf. Source NParks.

What is CBD
At the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, world leaders agreed on a comprehensive strategy for sustainable development - meeting our needs while ensuring that we leave a healthy and viable world for future generations. A key agreement adopted was the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). 

This pact among the vast majority of the world's governments sets out commitments for maintaining the world's ecological underpinnings alongside the business of economic development. 
The Convention establishes three main goals: 
1. Conservation of biological diversity
2. Sustainable use of its components
3. Fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the use of genetic resources

Visit for more information.

Photos by Mallika Naguran and NParks

Green Midas of Maritime Park and Spa

GM Panitan Supawong and MD Mdm Pichet Panwichartkul let wildlife be

He is as unassuming as the age-old trees surrounding the imposing limestone karsts of Krabi just a hike away from the Maritime Park and Spa hotel, yet he has a Midas touch. General manager Panitan Supawong is bent on a mission to saving the earth with everything he touches, and he’s been devising all kinds of hi tech gadgets to rev things up - or rather down - just to save on watts.

Plugs are yanked off electrical sockets in the guest rooms. Incandescent lights are replaced by compact ones. Air-conditioning in rooms is set at no lower than 25 degree Celsius. The cooling mechanism of the existing air-conditioning system is to make way for a newer, less fuel guzzling equipment that recycles heat waste to hot shower systems. The list keeps growing, mostly through staff suggestions, all to save precious energy.

Thank goodness at least there’s ice in the fridge for my evening cocktails, which I had to make by turning down the chill knob, rather guiltily, if I may add.

Pluck a Green Leaf

This project to cut energy wastage began less than a year ago as part of the hotel’s new direction and commitment to the Green Leaf Program, an environmental policy for hotel’s sustainability, endorsed by major names such as Thai Tourism Authority and UNESCO.

Natural forest to explore with the bicycles provided

Natural forest to explore with the bicycles provided

The program is part of the Green Leaf Foundation that involves a stringent auditing process covering areas such as policy and standard of environment practice, waste management, efficient use of water and energy, purchasing (e.g. seasonal products), storage and management of fuel, gas and toxic waste, ecological impact and community involvement.

Since Panitan came on board as Maritime’s GM a year and half ago, the hotel has gained a notch higher in Green Leaf rating, but my host is not gloating. "I haven’t done much," he whispers. Perhaps we should be the judge of that.

Apart from recycling materials and practising water conservation, the hotel donates its used cooking oil for bio diesel conversion, which fuels agro tractors. It also organises a clean up day during low season where staff go around the park picking up rubbish. As there’s no fence dividing hotel property from the national park grounds, a wider area gets a good sweep.

Soak outdoors at Adora Spa

Not having a fence also means that the living creatures of the park are free to meander around the hotel property. Maritime is committed to preserving the natural habitats surrounding it, so you may just stumble upon a monitor lizard or local otter sticking its head out of the pond. Snakes are native to the reserve but phosphorus powder on the ground keep them well at bay.

Having achieved much, the general manager shared what it meant to him personally. "I’m happy to do something for the hotel and its owner. That’s because the hotel isn’t as profitable as the popular beachside ones. Hence we need to keep our costs down, through energy saving and more." said Panitan.

Traditional, aromatic spa that soothes

"I’m also pleased when staff change in their views on environment conservation at the work place. I hope they continue the practice back at home." he added.

Indulge in New Senses

Later in the evening, I soaked in my lime and marigold scented bath outdoors while bathing in the sights of the imposing karsts and the rich vegetation surrounding it. Adora Spa at the hotel grounds is delightfully Thai with its range of treatment oils, herbs, scrubs and massage.

Connecting with nature, I felt my aches melt and my mind drift.

It is hard to adjust to nature when it’s most idyllic. It is also hard to imagine that this oasis of green is in Krabi town and just 20 minutes drive to the famed Ao Nang and Railey beaches. And slurping spicy seafood tom yam kung (sweet sour soup) served in a baby coconut shell at Maritime Park and Spa’s only restaurant, my senses jolt and my nose runs. Yet, I dig in for more.

Here’s a green hotel in southern Thailand that simply energises.

Getting there: Fly direct to Krabi International Airport, then transfer by car to hotel in just 10 minutes. You can also take a connecting flight to Krabi from Bangkok or Phuket. Travelling by land from Phuket is possible in 2 hours.

Activities: Snorkelling, scuba diving, rock climbing, elephant trekking, fishing, mangrove cruise, island hopping, kayaking

Attractions: Limestone karsts, scenic beaches and islands such as Phi Phi

Contact details:

Maritime Park & Spa Resort

1 Tungfah Road, Muang Krabi, Krabi 81000, Thailand.

Tel: 66 (0) 7562 0028-46


Website: www.

Stiff Chilli is Hot on History and Sports

Chef Rodney Holt takes heritage seriously, and sports too

A trip to Stiff Chilli in Jalan Besar, Singapore, is a walk down Balinese memory lane. On the walls hang framed black and white memories of royalty and coy Balinese girls with sarongs around their waists, and not much else.

Chef and proprietor Rodney Holt is passionate about preserving the history of Bali as he is with dishing out the best pasta. The Australian who worked as Italian chef with Aman Resorts and Hyatt Indonesia and F&B Director with Begawan Giri Resort loves culture and history, which may have something to do with meeting his wife AAA Putri Girindrawardani who descends from Bali royalty. Her grandfather, Ketut Ngurah Karangasem, was the last king to reside in the palace that’s at risk of ruin due to age and neglect.

Australian swimming champion Michael Klim presents Bali Sports Personality of the Year to Rodney Holt for his achievements in Indonesian Rugby and the sporting scene in Bali in December 2007. Source: Stiff Chilli.

Puri Karangasem, home of the royal family of Karangasem, covers three palaces built by the last Raja in the early 20th century - Puri Agung, which is the main palace in town; Taman Ujung, the water palace; and Taman Tirtagangga, the water gardens.

RJHgroup, owned mainly by Rodney, is helping Puri Karangasem in preserving the history both through video clips, oral history and digitizing of written records. “Right now, information about the history of the palace is written on palm leaves, which is not going to last. My concern is to record the information and digitize it, together with building a data of oral history from my father-in-law who has 5,000 books in a climate control room in the palace,” says Rodney.

Puri Karangasem's rich history is under threat due to lack of conservation. Source: Stiff Chilli.

With the restoration of books as well as old photos and yesteryear movies, Rodney hopes to preserve and display them in a museum that he intends to build within the palace grounds by end 2008. He adds that the project could do with added financial support through sponsorship.

Rodney is quite an influencer in Bali sports. Starting as a participant in rugby and kite surfing when Stiff Chilli first set up shop in 1999, Rodney today sponsors and organizes events and meets such as Bali Sevens and International Rugby 10’s. He gets real busy, right down to supervising ticket sales, hauling up marquees and buying airfares for sports celebrities to attend the Bali Sports Gala.

“I believe in karma - you give back what you take. The inaugural gala dinner with sports celebrities is an example of doing something big and good,” he adds. 

Crispy pizza bianco e nero with buffalo cheese and black caviar

Rodney tells me how he took on an idle Balinese teen and showed him the finer points in kite surfing and encouraged him to excel in it. Eka Putu went on to taking the sport seriously and was so good at it that he impressed judges to win international kite surfing competitions four times over. Now 24, Putu is married and lives in Australia.

Rodney cares for the environment too, which is why he supports the launch of a children’s book Penyu dan Lumba-lumba (Turtle and Dolphin). Written by Maggie Dunkler, the book is on environmental responsibility and keeping Bali’s beaches free from the plastic waste. “As the present generation has lost the focus on environment care, by teaching the kids at least we can influence the next generation,” he says. The book is also written in Balinese, which he hopes to be preserved, in addition to English and Indonesian.

Organic products - Big Tree Bali and FairTrade products - are sold at Stiff Chilli (there are four outlets in Bali and one in Singapore), for preservation of the environment, health and taste. “My pasta sauce is made from vine-ripe tomatoes which taste better. Sorbet and gelata made from fresh fruit in Bali are pesticide free. We don’t use gums and stabiliziers in our ice cream – everything’s natural,” says Rodney.

Rodney talks about the recycling effort that goes on in Bali, and laments the lack of it in Singapore. “In Bali, excess food is given to staff who take home to feed the pigs with. Paper is recycled, bottles get recycled, oil is sold to a company that turns it into biodiesel and plastic is turned into more plastic.”

“In Singapore, only drink cans are collected by old people. No bins are provided to sort the rubbish, which is highly surprising for a developed country,” he says. Rodney tells me that there is a long way to go before Asians wake up to the need for environment conservation.

Maybe a trip to Stiff Chilli for a wholesome meal like my favourite juicy vegetarian lasagna and wood fired pizza with four cheeses, plus a slice of Balinese history may stir an awakening in us.

Post-note: Sadly, the restaurant is no longer in operations. We will certainly miss Stiff Chilli in Singapore, but do trip along to Sanur, Bali to sample the pizza there where the chef is still at work.


Stiff Chilli Bali: Jl Kesumasari 11,Semawang Beach,Sanur Tel +62 361 288371

Responsible travel: Luxury in ecotourism

Paradisal Maldives may not be too idyllic by the turn of the century

In the race to ride the wave of luxury tourism, do builders think return of investment or return to nature? Plans are drawn for a magical resort in the Maldives, and investors want it up quick to hear the dollars rustle. Forget about the environment – too costly, complicated and hey, it’s not our responsibility anyway.

Fast-forward eighty years; the multi-million dollar investment is buried under the seas, along with their dreams and holidaymakers.

Tourism has certainly played an important role in the economic development of many countries. Luxury travel, in particular, has fueled an increase of alternative forms of resort and spa developments, benefiting shareholders and tax masters alike.

Sadly, it has also led to forests being destroyed, coastlines marred by proliferation of hotels, over development of infrastructure, wearing out of archaeological sites, depletion of natural resources and crumbling heritage.

Rising waters, warmer climates are issues faced by Maldivians

Despite tourism being regulated by government-drawn territorial plans, hoteliers and property developers still adopt a myopic view in designing luxury stays, causing irreparable damage to the environment. It’s a fact that global warming, caused by excessive carbon emissions, is to blame for the freaky weather and climate change we have seen, from El Nino, fatal heat waves to snowy blizzards in springtime.

The last century has seen the earth becoming warmer by 1%. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted that global warming would cause the world’s temperature to rise by 1.1-6.4ºC by 2100. The sea level rose on average by 1.8mm a year from 1961 to 2003, but went up further by 3.1mm average yearly between 1993 and 2003.

Ignorance is no longer an excuse for hoteliers, with information on protecting the earth being readily available and associations to consult on how to preserve the good during land transformation.

Local trade in ethnic handicrafts has Victoria Resort's support in Vietnam and Cambodia

Hoteliers and property developers have a part to play in sustainable tourism. This, in short, means what we take should be matched by what we put in. Former World Bank economist Herman Daly says, “The pace and rhythm of exploitation should be equal to the speed with which such resources are regenerated, while on the other hand the pace at which waste products are produced should reflect the natural capacity of ecosystems and the environment to absorb such substances.”

There are a few exemplary hotels that have taken eco-luxury to heart. The Four Seasons Resort in Costa Rica kept 70% of its land area to remain in a natural state and uses a type of grass for its golf course that conserves fresh water, using 50% ocean-water mix for irrigation.

The Crosswaters Ecolodge and Spa in the Nankun Mountain Reserve, Guangdong province has villas built of locally grown bamboo and uses organic local textiles. Built as a model of sustainable design, the lodge provides spa treatments in open-air suites and runs tai chi classes in forest studio.

French-run Victoria Resorts in Cambodia and Vietnam weave local art and trade within their resorts, with artists crafting their ware for display and sale. This is to preserve ethnic heritage and to stimulate further trade for the residents. Their website is

Malikha Lodge, built in the Himalayan foothills of Northern Myanmar, used glut materials like old teak for its handcrafted bathtub so as to preserve the endangered teak supplies. Bathroom tiles were handmade river stones hacked to shape by local jade cutters.

Not enough hoteliers, though, are taking the route of eco-luxury, especially in Asia. As consumers we can play a part in promoting eco-luxury. We can seek out hotels and resorts that are environmentally sensitive, use renewable energy and water, recycled building materials and have safe waste disposal systems. By selecting lodgings that pay attention to local traditions, we also help preserve its culture and heritage.

Creature comforts must be balanced by a thought for the environment, if we want our great grandchildren to be able to ride that luxury wave in the Maldives.