
Alexander Yee: Overcoming Turtle Conservation Challenges

Alexander Yee: Overcoming Turtle Conservation Challenges

It took vision, persistence and wisdom for conservationist Alexander Yee to be able to release his 30,000th turtle hatchling into the South China Sea after five years this March. He spoke to Mallika Naguran about how this highly effective turtle conservation programme came about but more importantly, how obstructive village practices were overcome to boost this aspect of marine life and ecotourism in Sabah.

Amala Menon: Genuine Indian Homestays With SaveAGram

Just how authentic can community-based tourism get? SaveAGram strives to raise the bar in not just capturing the authenticity of village tourism experience in the north and south of India, but also maintain responsibility in touring activities so as to uphold age-old traditions, culture, values and even the architecture of Indian villages.

Masaru Takayama: A Stronger Asian Ecotourism Network for 2018

Masaru Takayama, Chair and Founder of the Asian Ecotourism Network, speaks to Gaia Discovery's Mallika Naguran of his plans for 2018 and in shaping a stronger association that promotes responsible tourism in Asia. 

Tony Oposa: Rethink Economics, Consumption & Role of Law

Tony Oposa: Rethink Economics, Consumption & Role of Law

The connection between economics, progress, politics, power and law often leads to societal harm and environmental degradation in the name of progress. What does it take to review this chain of connection, and how?  Tony Oposa, award winning environmental lawyer, offers radical concepts and practical solutions in his recent publication Shooting Stars and Dancing Fish: A Walk to the World We Want. Mallika Naguran reviews the book and chats with Oposa.

Shane Howard: Singing the Environment

Shane Howard: Singing the Environment
As early as the 1970s, singer-songwriter Shane Howard championed the rights of Australia’s indigenous people and their country. In the hit song Solid Rock (Sacred Ground), Howard and his band Goanna helped create a new awareness of the natural beauty, culture and spirit of Australia. In an exclusive interview with Gaia Discovery, Howard tells Mallika Naguran about what he thinks are the big environmental issues that need attention – and how we can help make them right.

Robi Navicula: GINKalimantan Helps Kids Become Change Makers

Robi Navicula: GINKalimantan Helps Kids Become Change Makers
A GAIA DISCOVERY exclusive with Robi Navicula, leader of GINBali, who calls for support in the upcoming GINKalimantan conference.

Tom Schmidt: Eco Spin in Bumbling Traveller Adventure Series

Tom Schmidt: Eco Spin in Bumbling Traveller Adventure Series
Mallika Naguran speaks to Thomas Schmidt of the Bumbling Traveller Adventure Series to find out what motivates the award winning author to write, draw and self-publish what could possibly be the most regionally significant and environmentally pertinent graphic novel series.

Albert Teo: Responsible Tourism for Borneo Biodiversity Preservation, Community Capacity Building

Albert Teo: Responsible Tourism for Borneo Biodiversity Preservation, Community Capacity Building
Protecting wildlife and fragile ecosystems while boosting livelihoods can be done through purposeful enterprise, as demonstrated by Boreno Eco Tours' Albert Teo, in the Lower Kinabatangan and Kudat areas of Sabah. Mallika Naguran chats with Albert Teo, also the founder of Borneo Ecotourism Solutions and Technologies, to find out more about his sustainable tourism business model.

James Anak Bali: Conserving Borneo's Sea Turtles Creatively

James Anak Bali: Conserving Borneo's Sea Turtles Creatively
Where once sea turtle population took a dive for the worse, one man introduced unusual methods to revive the numbers on Pulau Talang Talang of Sarawak.

Hannah the Mermaid Raises Awareness of Marine Magnificence

Hannah the Mermaid Raises Awareness of Marine Magnificence
As a professional mermaid, Hannah Fraser participates in the Atlantis Resorts programs of entertainment, her appearances drawing large crowds of all ages. While to some this may seem like a fantasy creature lifted from the stills of a Disney Movie, the reality could not be further from the truth.

Project AWARE Governor Neville Coleman Awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for Service to Conservation and Environment

Project AWARE Governor Neville Coleman Awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for Service to Conservation and Environment
Veteran diver and conservationist has been awarded The Medal of the Order of Australia, one of the highest honours given to Australians, in recognition for his service to conservation the significant difference he has made to his community.

Thailand Canoe Tour Operator Dave Williams Shows Quality and Knowledge Make Good Eco Tourism

Dave Williams runs a specialist paddling and outdoor activity tour company in the south of Thailand. He puts as much emphasis on the environment as on making money, and says there is more to life than climbing the corporate ladder.

Eric Simard Steers Green Initiatives for Victoria Hotels & Resorts in Vietnam and Cambodia

Eric Simard Steers Green Initiatives for Victoria Hotels & Resorts in Vietnam and Cambodia
In Vietnam and Cambodia, there is a French chain of hotels and resorts that strive to do what they can to operate responsibly within the environments in which they operate. Mallika Naguran finds out from the general manager Eric Simard just how Victoria Hotels & Resorts maintain their social and environmental responsibilities.

Ned Deloach on Natural Selection and Marine Invertebrates Gone Wild

Ned Deloach on Natural Selection and Marine Invertebrates Gone Wild
Mallika Naguran meets Ned Deloach, the co-author of Reef Creature Identification, Tropical Pacific, and his wife Anna at the launch of the guidebook in Singapore. And gets hooked by amazing discussions on marine diversity, natural selection and critter hunting.

Pangaea Expedition from The Andaman Islands to Calcutta for Conservation

In 2008, Mike Horn started a worldwide voyage called the Pangaea. The main idea is to unite young people from different countries who are passionate about environment and want to make a difference in their communities and beyond.

Lord Oxburgh on The Science and Politics of Climate Change

“Over the last five years, it seems we may have forgotten the simple basics of climate change,” says Lord Oxburgh, geologist, professor, Fellow of the Royal Society, ex-Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK government, and president of the Carbon Capture and Storage Association.

Gary Bencheghib of "Make a Change Bali": Beach Clean-ups Through Personal Conviction, Environmental Responsibility

"Make a Change Bali" aims to promote awareness and educate people on the personal responsibilities and practical solutions that will end Bali's decay and descent into a polluted, rubbish strewn island that no one wants to visit. A profile on Gary Bencheghib.